Sunday, September 6, 2009



Date: 31.08.09 Week - 36 Day: Monday




Date: 31.08.09 Week 36 Day: Monday


Date: 01.09.09 Week 36 Day: Tuesday

4S5 Theme: People
0925-0955 Topic: Lit. Component [If ]
Title: If
Learning Outcome:
4K8 a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the poem read.
Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Recite the poem in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the poem.
1. Students recite the poem.
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the poem.
4. Students recite the poem.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the poem in general.

Date: 02.09.09 Week 36 Day: Wednesday

0705-0805 Topic: Making Life Easy

Learning Outcome:
4S5 a. Read and understand the texts given.
0805-0905 b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
b. Answer 10 comprehension questions
1130-1205 Activities:
1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

Date: 03.09.09 Week 36 Thursday

0805-0905 Topic: Making Life Easy

Learning Outcome:
4S2 a. Read and understand the texts given.
0925-1025 b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
c. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
d. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

4K8 Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [If ]
1025-1055 Title: If
Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the poem read.

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
b. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
c. Recite the poem in one’s own word.
d. List down the characters in the poem.
1. Students recite the poem.
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the poem.
4. Students recite the poem.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the poem in general.

Date: 04.09.09 Week 36 Friday

0705-0815 Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Identifying main ideas.
4S5 b. Identifying cause and effect.
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a summary based on the text given.
b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.
c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence
1. Tr. review previous lesson on environment.
2. Students underline the main idea in the text.
3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.

Theme: People
4K3 Topic: Lit. Component [If ]
1040-1140 Title: If
Learning Outcome:
e. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the poem read.

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
f. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
g. Recite the poem in one’s own word.
h. List down the characters in the poem.
5. Students recite the poem.
6. Students look for difficult words
7. Students answer oral questions based on the poem.
8. Students recite the poem.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the poem in general.




Date: 17.08.09 Week 34 Day: Monday

Theme: Science and Technology
Activiti: Mid-Semester Test

Items – Reading Comprehension

- Summary writing

-Lit. Component – There Been A Death In The Opposite House

-The Drover’s Wife

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ POEM]

Title: IF

Learning Outcome:

a. Recognizing elements in the poem

Specific Objectives:

a. Sequence events in the poem


1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the poem
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the poem.

Date: 17.08.09 Week 34 Day: Monday
Theme: Science and Technology

Activiti: Mid-Semester Test

Items – Reading Comprehension

- Summary writing

-Lit. Component – There Been A Death In The Opposite House

-The Drover’s Wife


Date: 18.08.09 Week 34 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ POEM]

Title: IF

Learning Outcome:
a. Recognizing elements in the poem.

Specific Objectives:

a. Sequence events based on the poem.


1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the poem.
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the poem.

Date: 19.08.09 Week 34 Day: Wednesday

Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:

a. Identifying main ideas.

b. Identifying cause and effect.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Write a summary based on the text given.

b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.

c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence


1. Tr. review previous lesson on environment.

2. Students underline the main idea in the text.

3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism

Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.


Theme: Science and Technology

Activiti: Mid-Semester Test

Items – Reading Comprehension
- Summary writing
-Lit. Component – There Been A Death In The Opposite House
-The Drover’s Wife


Date: 20.08.09 Week 34 Day: Thursday

Topic: Essay Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Students produce a proper essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. List 5 main points related to the topic

b. Give example of ways how new inventions help us.

c. Give the pro and con of new inventions.


1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.

2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.

3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem ]

Title: IF

Learning Outcome:
a. Recognizing elements in the poem.

Specific Objectives:

a.Sequence events based on the poem.


1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the poem.
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the poem.


Date: 21.08.09 Week 34 Day: Friday

Topic: Essay Writing

Learning Outcome:

a. Students produce a proper essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. List 5 main points related to the topic

b. Give example of ways how new inventions help us.

c. Give the pro and con of new inventions.


1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.
2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.
3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism

Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.


Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem ]

Title: IF

Learning Outcome:

a. Recognizing elements in the poem.

Specific Objectives:

a. Sequence events based on the poem.


1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the poem.
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the poem.

WEEK 35 – [24 -29 August]

Mid-Semester Break

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WEEK 22 [ 25 – 29 MAY ]

Date: 25.05.09 Day: Monday
Class: 4K3, 4S2, 4K8
Activity: i. 1st Sem. Exam
Subject: Add. Math , Pendidikan Islam

Date: 26.05.09 Day: Tuesday
Class: 4S5, 4K8
Activity: i. 1st Semester Examination
ii. Revision
Subject : Sains Sukan,

Date: 27.05.09 Day: Wednesday
Class: 4S2, 4S5, 4K8
Activity: i. 1st Semester Examination
ii. Revision
Subject: i. Fizik, Sejarah

Date: 28.05.09 Day: Thursday
Class: 4K3, 4S2, 4K8
Activity: Raptai for Prize Giving Day

Date: 29.05.09 Day: Friday
Activity: Prize Giving Day

English Language Daily Lesson Plan
Week 25 [ 15 – 20 ]

Date: 15.06.09 Day: Monday
Time: 0705 – 0815; 1055 – 1130; 1130 - 1240
Class: 4K3, 4S2, 4K8
Subject: English Language
Activity: Test Correction
i. Lit. Component
- The Road Not Taken

Date: 16.06.09 Day: Tuesday
Time: 0945 – 1020; 1205 - 1240
Class: 4S5, 4K8
Subject: English Language
Activity: Test Correction
i. Lit. Component
- The Road Not Taken
- The Necklace

Date: 17.06.09 Day: Wednesday
Time: 0705 – 0815; 0815 – 0925; 1130 – 1240
Class: 4S2, 4S5, 4K8
Activity: Test Correction
i. Lit. Component
- The Road Not Taken
- The Necklace
ii - Information Transfer
iii - Summary

Date: 18.06.09 Day: Thursday
Time: 0815-0925; 0945-1055; 1205-1240
Class: 4K3, 4S2, 4K8
Activity: Test Correction i. Information Transfer
ii. Summary
ii. Directed Writing

Date: 19.06.09 Day: Friday
Time: 0705-0815; 0815-0925;1040-1140
Class: 4K8, 4S5, 4K3
Activity: Test Correction
i. Lit. Component
Short Story – Theme
ii. Directed Writing

Monday, May 11, 2009

rph 18/19

Date: 27.04.09 Week - 18 Day: Monday

4k3 Theme: Health
Topic: HIV
Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
b. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

4S2 Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
1055-1130 Title: The Lotus Eater
Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 27.4.09 Week 18 Day: Monday

4K8 Theme: Health
1130-1240 Topic: HIV

Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
c. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
d. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

Date: 28.04.09 Week 18 Day: Tuesday

4S5 Theme: People
0945-1020 Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
Title: The Lotus Eater
Learning Outcome:
4K8 a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read
Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 29.04.09 Week 18 Day: Wednesday

4S2 Theme: Health
0705-0815 Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
4S5 a. Identifying main ideas.
0815-0920 b. Identifying cause and effect.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a summary based on the text given.
b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.
4K8 c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence
1130-1240 Activities:
1. Tr. review previous lesson on health.
2. Students underline the main idea in the text.
3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.

Date: 30.04.09 Week – 18 Day: Thursday

4K3 Theme: Health
0815-0920 Topic: Letter Writing [ Letter Of Complaint]

Learning Outcome:
4S2 a. Writing formal letter
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a formal letter with appropriate format
b. Expand notes and outlines given

a. Students respond to questions asked orally.
b. Students write outline the format of a formal letter on the board.
c. Students construct sentences orally based on the outline given.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to write formal letter with appropriate format.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story]
Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 01.05.09 Week - 18 Day: Friday



Time/Class Date: 04.05.09 Week 19 Day: Monday

Theme: People
Topic: Sonnet 18
Learning Outcome:

4S2 1. Recall and understand the general idea of the poem
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

4K8 i. Identify the images use in the poem.

i. Students read through the poem thoroughly.
ii. Complete exercises given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to complete the exercises given.

Date: 05.05.09 Week 19 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
4S5 Topic: Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:

4K8 1. Recall and understand the general idea of the poem
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Identify the images use in the poem.

i. Students read through the poem thoroughly.
ii. Complete exercises given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to complete the exercises given.

Date: 06.05.09 Week 19 Day: Wednesday

4S2 Theme: People
Topic: The Necklace [Short Story]

4S5 Learning Outcome:

1. Recall and understand the general idea of the poem
4K8 2. ULBS
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Identify the images use in the poem.

i. Students read through the poem thoroughly.
ii. Complete exercises given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to complete the exercises given.

Date: 07.05.09 Week 19 Day: Thursday
Theme: People
Topic: The Lotus Eater [Short Story]
Learning Outcome:

4S2 1. Recall and understand the general idea of the poem
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

4K8 1. Identify the images use in the poem.

i. Students read through the poem thoroughly.
ii. Complete exercises given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to complete the exercises given.

Date: 08.05.09 Week 19 Day: Friday
Theme: People
4K8 Topic: The Lotus Eater [Short Story]

Learning Outcome:

4S5 1. Recall and understand the general idea of the poem
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

4K3 1. Identify the images use in the poem.

i. Students read through the poem thoroughly.
ii. Complete exercises given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to complete the exercises given.

Monday, April 20, 2009

RPH 17

WEEK 17 [20 APRIL – 24 APRIL]


Date:20.04.09 Week 17 Day: Monday Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to complete chart relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to complete information transfer

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a. Characterisation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with characters


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

b. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students complete chart given relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.


Date: 21.04.09 Week 17 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:



Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters of the story

b. Match description of characters with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify descriptions of characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.


Date: 22.04.09 Week 17 Day: Wednesday

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

Complete chart
1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Students completing chart orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning



Date: 23.04.09 Week 17 Day: Thursday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

a. Extracting main ideas and details

b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

b. Use own words to produce a summary

c. Use words provided to complete a summary


1. Review previous lesson

2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

5. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

6. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

7. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.



Date: 24.04.09 Week 17 Day: Friday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

c. Extracting main ideas and details

d. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

d. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

e. Use own words to produce a summary

f. Use words provided to complete a summary


4. Review previous lesson

5. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

6. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning


Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

c. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

d. Match description with textual evidence given.


2. Teacher asks students to read the story

8. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

9. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

10. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.


WEEK 17 [20 APRIL – 24 APRIL]


Date:20.04.09 Week 17 Day: Monday

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to complete chart relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to complete information transfer

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a. Characterisation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with characters


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

b. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students complete chart given relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.


Date: 21.04.09 Week 17 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:



Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters of the story

b. Match description of characters with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify descriptions of characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.


Date: 22.04.09 Week 17 Day: Wednesday

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

Complete chart
1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Students completing chart orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning



Date: 23.04.09 Week 17 Day: Thursday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

a. Extracting main ideas and details

b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

b. Use own words to produce a summary

c. Use words provided to complete a summary


1. Review previous lesson

2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

5. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

6. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

7. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.



Date: 24.04.09 Week 17 Day: Friday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

c. Extracting main ideas and details

d. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

d. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

e. Use own words to produce a summary

f. Use words provided to complete a summary


4. Review previous lesson

5. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

6. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning


Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

c. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

d. Match description with textual evidence given.


2. Teacher asks students to read the story

8. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

9. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

10. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.


WEEK 17 [20 APRIL – 24 APRIL]


Date:20.04.09 Week 17 Day: Monday

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to complete chart relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to complete information transfer

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a. Characterisation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with characters


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

b. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students complete chart given relating to bulimia nervosa

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.


Date: 21.04.09 Week 17 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:



Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify characters of the story

b. Match description of characters with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify descriptions of characters in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.


Date: 22.04.09 Week 17 Day: Wednesday

Theme: Health
Topic: Bulimia Nervosa

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

Complete chart
1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Students completing chart orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning



Date: 23.04.09 Week 17 Day: Thursday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

a. Extracting main ideas and details

b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

b. Use own words to produce a summary

c. Use words provided to complete a summary


1. Review previous lesson

2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

b. Match description with textual evidence given.


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

5. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

6. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

7. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.



Date: 24.04.09 Week 17 Day: Friday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing ( Bulimia Nervosa)

Learning Outcome:

c. Extracting main ideas and details

d. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

d. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

e. Use own words to produce a summary

f. Use words provided to complete a summary


4. Review previous lesson

5. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

6. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning


Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

c. Give description of characters based on the textual evidence given.

d. Match description with textual evidence given.


2. Teacher asks students to read the story

8. Students giving description orally based on the textual evidence given.

9. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

10. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.


RPH 16

RPH Week 16 – 17
14 April – 17 April


Date: Week: Day:




Tuesday, April 7, 2009

RPH Week 15


Date: 06.04.09 Week 15 Day: Monday

Theme: Health
Topic: Human Heart

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a. Sequence Plot

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify main events of the story

b. Sequence events accordingly


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify events in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.

Theme: Health
Topic: Human Heart

Learning Outcome:

a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

b. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage


1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.


Date: 07.04.09 Week 15 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a.Sequence Plot


Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

a. Identify main events of the story

b. Sequence events accordingly


1. Teacher asks students to read the story

2. Students identify events in the story

3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.


Date: 08.04.09 Week 15 Day: Wednesday

Theme: Health
Topic: Human Heart

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

1. Reading the passage orally

2. Teacher gives explanation

3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense

4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.


Date: 09.04.09 Week 15 Day: Thursday

Theme: Health
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:

a. Extracting main ideas and details

b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph

b. Use own words to produce a summary

c. Use words provided to complete a summary


1. Review previous lesson

2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details

3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning

Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]

Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:

a.Sequence Plot

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :

c. Identify main events of the story

d. Sequence events accordingly


5. Teacher asks students to read the story

6. Students identify events in the story

7. Teacher gives explanation to the class.

8. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.

Reflections: Students read the story at home.

GOOD FRIDAY - 10.04.09

RPH Week 14

Date: 30.03.09 Week - 14 Day: Monday

4k3 Theme: Health
Topic: HIV
Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
b. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

4S2 Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
1055-1130 Title: The Lotus Eater
Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 30.03.09 Week 14 Day: Monday

4K8 Theme: Health
1130-1240 Topic: HIV

Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
c. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
d. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

Date: 31.03.09 Week 14 Day: Tuesday

4S5 Theme: People
0945-1020 Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
Title: The Lotus Eater
Learning Outcome:
4K8 a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read
Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 01.04.09 Week 14 Day: Wednesday

4S2 Theme: Health
0705-0815 Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
4S5 a. Identifying main ideas.
0815-0920 b. Identifying cause and effect.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a summary based on the text given.
b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.
4K8 c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence
1130-1240 Activities:
1. Tr. review previous lesson on health.
2. Students underline the main idea in the text.
3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.

Date: 02.04.09 Week – 14 Day: Thursday

4K3 Theme: Health
0815-0920 Topic: Letter Writing [ Letter Of Complaint]

Learning Outcome:
4S2 a. Writing formal letter
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a formal letter with appropriate format
b. Expand notes and outlines given

a. Students respond to questions asked orally.
b. Students write outline the format of a formal letter on the board.
c. Students construct sentences orally based on the outline given.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to write formal letter with appropriate format.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story]
Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Date: 03.04.09 Week - 14 Day: Friday

4K8 Theme: Health
Topic: Letter Writing [Formal Letter]

Learning Outcome:
a. Writing formal letter with appropriate format

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Re-write the letter given with appropriate format.
b. Complete the letter by filling in blanks with words given.

1. Rearrange sentences
2. Answer oral questions
3. Completing the letter orally by filling in the blanks.

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Some students were unable to write formal letter.

0945-1055 Theme: Health
Topic: Letter Writing [ Letter Of Complaint]

Learning Outcome:
a. Writing formal letter

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a formal letter with appropriate format
b. Expand notes and outlines given

1. Students respond to questions asked orally.
2. Students write outline the format of a formal letter on the board.
3. Students construct sentences orally based on the outline given.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to write formal letter with appropriate format.

Date: 03.04.09 Week - 14 Day: Friday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story]
Title: The Lotus Eater

Learning Outcome:
b. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
d. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
e. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
f. List down the characters in the story.
5. Students read the story
6. Students look for difficult words
7. Students answer oral questions based on the story
8. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Monday, March 9, 2009



Date: 02.03.09 Week 10 Day: Monday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Caring Society

Learning Outcome:
a. Reading and understanding articles on the topic given.
b. Skimming and scanning through the text.
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Answer a variety of questions to show understanding of the texts.
b. Identify cause and effect statements in the texts.

1. Students answered oral questions asked.
2. Students identify events related to the topic in real life situation.
3. Completing information gap.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to discuss with peers to locate cause and effect

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting poem with accurate intonation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Complete the synopsis using appropriate words/phrases in the poem
b. Complete the summary using words given in the box.

1. Teacher asks questions orally
2. Teacher distribute handout.
3. Students complete the handout.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Student were able to recite the poem.

Date: 3.03.09 Week 10 Day: Tuesday
Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting poem with accurate intonation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
b. Complete the synopsis using appropriate words/phrases in the poem
c. Complete the summary using words given in the box.

1. Teacher asks questions orally
2. Teacher distribute handout.
3. Students complete the handout.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to recite the poem.

Date: 04.03.09 Week 10 Day: Wednesday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Caring Society

Learning Outcome:
a. Reading and understanding articles on the topic given.
b. Skimming and scanning through the text.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Answer a variety of questions to show understanding of the texts.
b. Identify cause and effect statements in the texts.

1. Students answered oral questions asked.
2. Students identify events related to the topic in real life situation.
3. Completing information gap.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to discuss with peers to locate cause and effect

Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Extracting main ideas and details
b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph
b. Use own words to produce a summary
c. Use words provided to complete a summary

1. Review previous lesson
2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details
3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Date: 05.03.09 Week 10 Day: Thursday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Essay Writing
Title: A Caring Society

Learning Outcome:
a. Students produce an essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. List 5 main points related to the topic
b. Give example of ways to show we care.

1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.
2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.
3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting poem with accurate intonation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Complete the synopsis using appropriate words/phrases in the poem
b. Complete the summary using words given in the box.

1. Teacher asks questions orally
2. Teacher distribute handout.
3. Students complete the handout.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to recite the poem.

Date: 06.03.09 Week 10 Day: Friday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Essay Writing
Title: A Caring Society

Learning Outcome:
a. Students produce an essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. List 5 main points related to the topic
b. Give example of ways to show we care.

1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.
2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.
3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting poem with accurate intonation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Complete the synopsis using appropriate words/phrases in the poem
b. Complete the literal meaning of the poem using words given in the box.

1. Teacher asks questions orally
2. Teacher distribute handout.
3. Students complete the handout.
Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to recite the poem.



Time/Class :4K3/0705-0815
Date: 23.02.09 Week 9 Day: Monday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Alone In His Twilight Years

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

1. Reading the passage orally
2. Teacher gives explanation
3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense
4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting the poem
b. Relating the situation in the poem to real life.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :
a. Recite the poem with correct intonation
b. Relate the situation in the poem with real life.

1. Teacher asks students to recite the poem
2. Students reciting the poem in group, in pairs, individual
3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.
4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.
Reflections: Students read the poem at home.

Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Bully

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
b. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

1. Reading the passage orally
2. Teacher gives explanation
3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense
4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.

Time/Class:0945/1020/4S5 /1205-1240/4K8
Date: 24.02.09 Week 9 Day: Tuesday
Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting the poem
b. Relating the situation in the poem to real life.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :
a. Recite the poem with correct intonation
b. Relate the situation in the poem with real life.

1. Teacher asks students to recite the poem
2. Students reciting the poem in group, in pairs, individual
3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.
4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.
Reflections: Students read the poem at home.

Time/Class :0705-0815/4S2/0815-0920/4S5/1130-1240/4K8
Date: 25.02.09 Week 9 Day: Wednesday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Alone In His Twilight Years

Learning Outcome:
a. Listening to and understanding a variety of texts

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Read and identify words in past tense in the passage

1. Reading the passage orally
2. Teacher gives explanation
3. Teacher asks students to identify the words in the past tense
4. Students identify words in the past tense.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify words in past tense.

Time/Class :0815-0920/4K3/0945-1055/4S2

Date: 26.02.09 Week 9 Day: Thursday
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Extracting main ideas and details
b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph
b. Use own words to produce a summary
c. Use words provided to complete a summary

1. Review previous lesson
2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details
3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting the poem
b. Relating the situation in the poem to real life.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :
a. Recite the poem with correct intonation
b. Relate the situation in the poem with real life.

1. Teacher asks students to recite the poem
2. Students reciting the poem in group, in pairs, individual
3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.
4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.
Reflections: Students read the poem at home.

Time/Class :4K8/0705-0815/4S5/0815-0920
Date: 27.02.09 Week 9 Day: Friday

Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Extracting main ideas and details
b. Summarizing information

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify at least one main ideas from each paragraph
b. Use own words to produce a summary
c. Use words provided to complete a summary

1. Review previous lesson
2. Teacher asked students to read and underline main ideas and details
3. Students write a summary using the points identified.

Strategy: Contextual learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify main ideas and details.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Poem]
Title: The Road Not Taken

Learning Outcome:
a. Reciting the poem
b. Relating the situation in the poem to real life.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students be able to :
a. Recite the poem with correct intonation
b. Relate the situation in the poem with real life.

1. Teacher asks students to recite the poem
2. Students reciting the poem in group, in pairs, individual
3. Teacher gives explanation to the class.
4. Students listen to the explanation given.

Strategy: Contextual Learning.
Reflections: Students read the poem at home.



Date: 16.02.09 Week 8 Day: Monday

Theme: Environment
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Identifying main ideas.
b. Identifying cause and effect.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a summary based on the text given.
b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.
c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence
1. Tr. review previous lesson on environment.
2. Students underline the main idea in the text.
3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.

4S2 Theme: People
1055-1130 Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
Title: The Necklace

Learning Outcome:
a. Recognizing elements in the story

Specific Objectives:
a. Sequence events in the story

1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the story
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the story.

Time/Class :1130-1240/4K8
Date: 16.02.09 Week 8 Day: Monday

Theme: Environment
Topic: Environment Conservation

Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand text given on conservation

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Answer 5 / 10 comprehension questions based on the text.
b. Match words with correct meaning.

1. Students scan through the text given.
2. Students answer oral questions.
3. Students completing comprehension exercises given.

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflection: Students were able to answer 5 simple questions asked.

Time/Class :0945-1020/4S5/4K8/1205-1240
Date: 17.02.09 Week 8 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
Title: The Necklace

Learning Outcome:
a. Recognizing elements in the story

Specific Objectives:
b. Sequence events in the story

1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the story
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the story.

Time/Class :0705-0815/4S2/0815-0920/4S5/1130-1240/4K8
Date: 18.02.09 Week 8 Day: Wednesday

Them: People
Topic: Topical Test

• Sonnet 18
• The Necklace

Time/Class :0815-0920/4K3/0945-1055/4S2
Date: 19.02.09 Week 8 Day: Thursday
Theme: Environment
Topic: Essay Writing
Title: Recycling

Learning Outcome:
a. Students produce a proper essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. List 5 main points related to the topic
b. Give example of ways to recycle
c. Categorize recycling materials

1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.
2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.
3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.

4K8 Theme: People
1055-1130 Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]
Title: The Necklace

Learning Outcome:
a. Recognizing elements in the story

Specific Objectives:
a. Sequence events in the story

1. Teacher asks questions orally about events in the story
2. Students respond to the questions asked
3. Students complete extracts using words in the text

Learning Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to identify events in the story.

Date: 20.02.09 Week 8 Day: Friday
Theme: Environment
Topic: Essay Writing
Title: Recycling

Learning Outcome:
a. Students produce a proper essay on the topic given.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. List 5 main points related to the topic
b. Give example of ways to recycle
c. Categorize recycling materials

1. Answer oral questions pertaining to the topic.
2. Students work in group to discuss the topic.
3. Group presentation

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to do their work in group.

Theme: People
1040-1140 Topic: Topical Test

• Sonnet 18
• The Necklace


Time/Class : 4k3/0705-0815
Date: 09.02.09 Week – 7 Day: Monday
Theme: Environment
Topic: RM25 Million Clean-Up for River

Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
b. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

Time/Class: 4S2/1055-1130
Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ]

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.
1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Time/Class : 4K8/1130-1240
Date: 09.02.09 Week 7 Day: Monday

Theme: Environment
Topic: RM25 Million Clean-Up for River

Learning Outcome:
a. Read and understand the texts given.
b. Identifying main ideas and details

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
c. Give correct meaning for the vocabulary given
d. Answer 10 comprehension questions

1. Skimming through the texts for main ideas
2. Giving meaning of the vocabulary orally.
3. Answer oral qns based on the texts.

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to answer qns. Orally based on the texts.

Date: 10.02.09 Week 7 Day: Tuesday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [ Short Story ][ The Necklace]

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.

1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Time/Class : 4S2/0705-0815
Date: 11.02.09 Week 7 Day: Wednesday

Theme: Environment
Topic: Summary Writing

Learning Outcome:
a. Identifying main ideas.
b. Identifying cause and effect.

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a summary based on the text given.
b. Identify one main idea from each paragraph.
c. Rearrange main ideas in sequence

1. Tr. review previous lesson on environment.
2. Students underline the main idea in the text.
3. Students answer oral questions.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to carry out the activities given.

Time/Class : 4K3/4S2[ 0815-0920/0945-1055]
Date: 12.02.09 Week – 7 Day: Thursday

Theme: Environment
Topic: Letter Writing [ Letter Of Complaint]

Learning Outcome:
a. Writing formal letter

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a formal letter with appropriate format
b. Expand notes and outlines given

a. Students respond to questions asked orally.
b. Students write outline the format of a formal letter on the board.
c. Students construct sentences orally based on the outline given.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to write formal letter with appropriate format.

Time/Class: 1055-1130 /4K8
Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story]
Title: The Necklace

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.

1. Students read the story
2. Students look for difficult words
3. Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Time/Class: 0705-0815/[4K8]
Date: 13.02.09 Week 7 Day: Friday

Theme: Environment
Topic: Letter Writing [Formal Letter]

Learning Outcome:
a. Writing formal letter with appropriate format

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Re-write the letter given with appropriate format.
b. Complete the letter by filling in blanks with words given.

1. Rearrange sentences
2. Answer oral questions
3. Completing the letter orally by filling in the blanks.

Learning Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Some students were unable to write formal letter.

Theme: Environment
Topic: Letter Writing [ Letter Of Complaint]

Learning Outcome:
a. Writing formal letter

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Write a formal letter with appropriate format
b. Expand notes and outlines given

1. Students respond to questions asked orally.
2. Students write outline the format of a formal letter on the board.
3. Students construct sentences orally based on the outline given.

Strategy: Constructivism
Reflections: Students were able to write formal letter with appropriate format.

Date: 13.02.09 Week 7 Day: Friday

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Component [Short Story]
Title: The Necklace

Learning Outcome:
a. Understanding and telling in one’s own words the story read

Specific: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a. Identify sentences or phrases to match with theme
b. Retell the story briefly in one’s own word.
c. List down the characters in the story.

1.Students read the story
2.Students look for difficult words
3.Students answer oral questions based on the story
4. Students retell the story orally

Strategy: Contextual Learning
Reflections: Students were able to understand the story in general.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Daily Lesson Plan Week 2-4


Date: 05.01.09 Week 2 Day: Monday

--Orientation Day for Form 4 classes

Date: 06.01.09 Week 2 Day: Tuesday

4k1/4K8 Theme: General
Topic: Introduction to the syllabus and SPM examination format
By the end of the lesson, students are able to : -
i. familiarize with the latest SPM examination format.
i. Teacher talks about the syllabus, literature component and oral
ii. Teacher shows literature text and sample of SPM examination paper.
T/Aids: Literature text, exam paper

Date : 07.01.09 Week 2 Day: Wednesday
4S2/ Theme: General
Topic: Introduction to the syllabus and SPM examination format
By the end of the lesson, students are able to : -
i. familiarize with the latest SPM examination format.
i. Teacher talks about the syllabus, literature component and oral
ii. Teacher shows literature text and sample of SPM examination paper.
T /Aids: Literature text, exam paper

4K1/4K8 Theme: People
Topic : Knowing me knowing you
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to : -
i. talk about themselves in at least 1 paragraph.
ii. talk about their best friend.
Activities: i. Ice breaking.
ii. Students write about themselves in 1 paragraph.
iii. Individual presentation.
T/Aids: Students outcome
Moral Values: Respect one another
Pedagogical Strategy: Evaluating
Reflections: Students were able to do the task well.

Date: 08.01.09 Week 2 Day : Thursday
Theme: General
4k3 Topic: Introduction to the syllabus and SPM examination format
By the end of the lesson, students are able to : -
i. familiarize with the latest SPM examination format.
i. Teacher talks about the syllabus, literature component and oral
ii. Teacher shows literature text and sample of SPM examination paper.
T/Aids: Literature text, exam paper

4S2 Theme: People
Topic : Knowing me knowing you
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to : -
i. talk about themselves in at least 1 paragraph.
ii. talk about their best friend.
Activities: i. Ice breaking.
ii. Students write about themselves in 1 paragraph.
iii. Individual presentation.
T/Aids: Students outcome
Moral Values: Respect one another
Pedagogical Strategy: Evaluating
Reflections: Students were able to do the task given.

Theme: People
Topic: Sonnet 18
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Talk about the poem in general
Ii. Give at least 4/7 figurative meaning correctly.
Iii. Match at least 5/7 phrases correctly to its meaning.
i. Students talk briefly about the poem.
ii. Teacher distributes handouts/writes out task on the b/b and asks the students to complete the task as homework.
iii. Tr. conclude the lesson by asking students to give moral values that they have learnt from the poem.

T/Aids: Lit. texts, handouts
Values: Appreciate beauty
Pedagogical Strategy: To analyse, to justify
Reflection: Most of the students were still unfamiliar with the texts.

Date: 09.01.09 Week 2 Day: Friday
Theme: People
4K8 Topic: Essay Writing
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to :
i. Write at least 3 paragraphs about “Myself”

4K1 Activities:
i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
4K3 iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.

Date: 12.01.09 Week 3 Day: Monday
4K3/4K8 Theme: People
Topic : Essay Writing
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
i. Write 2 paragraphs [weak class] 4paragraphs[good class] about a festival in their area

i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Com[Sonnet 18]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Talk about the poem in general
Ii. Give at least 4/7 figurative meaning correctly.
Iii. Match at least 5/7 phrases correctly to its meaning.
iv. Students talk briefly about the poem.
v. Teacher distributes handouts/writes out task on the b/b and asks the students to complete the task as homework.
vi. Tr. conclude the lesson by asking students to give moral values that they have learnt from the poem.

T/Aids: Lit. texts, handouts
Values: Appreciate beauty
Pedagogical Strategy: To analyse, to justify
Reflection: Most of the students were still unfamiliar with the texts.

Date: 13.01.09 WEEK 3 Day: Tuesday
Theme: People
4K1/4K8 Topic: Lit. Comp.[Sonnet 18]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Saying orally what they think about the poem and write a simple paragraph stating their opinion.
i. Tr. shows picture and asks students to rephrase the picture.
ii. Tr. asks meaning of some words and phrases that they had learnt.
iii. Students talk about the poem.

T/ Aids: Lit. texts, reference book
Moral Values: love ourselves as we love others
Pedagogical Strategy: Giving Opinion
Reflection: Weak class is slow in catching up with the lesson.

Date: 14.01.09 WEEK 3 Day: Wednesday
Theme: People
4S2/4K1 Topic: Essay Writing
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
i. Write 4 paragraphs[good class]about a wedding celebration

i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.

4K8 Theme: People
Topic: Essay Writing
Activities: Students proceed with their previous wook.

Date: 15.01.09 WEEK 3 Day: Thursday
Theme: People
4K3/4S2 Topic: Essay Writing
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
i. Write 2 paragraphs [weak class] 4paragraphs[good class] about a festival in their area

i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.

4k8 Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Comp. [ Sonnet 18 ]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Saying orally what they think about the poem and write a simple paragraph stating their opinion
i. Tr. shows picture and asks students to rephrase the picture.
ii. Tr. asks meaning of some words and phrases that they had learnt.
iii. Students talk about the poem.

T/ Aids: Lit. texts, reference book
Moral Values: love ourselves as we love others
Pedagogical Strategy: Giving Opinion
Reflection: The class is slow in catching up with the lesson.

Date: 16.01.09 WEEK 3 Day: Friday
Theme: People
4K1/4K3 Topic: Essay Writing
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
i. Write 4-3 paragraphs[good class]about a wedding celebration

i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.

Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Comp. [ Sonnet 18 ]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Saying orally what they think about the poem and write a simple paragraph stating their opinion
i. Tr. shows picture and asks students to rephrase the picture.
ii. Tr. asks meaning of some words and phrases that they had learnt.
iii. Students talk about the poem.

T/ Aids: Lit. texts, reference book
Moral Values: love ourselves as we love others
Pedagogical Strategy: Giving Opinion
Reflection: The class is slow in catching up with the lesson.

Date: 19.01.09 WEEK 4 Day: Monday

4K1/4K8 Theme: People
Topic: Inspiring People
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
I. Tell the meaning of at least 7-8 words correctly.
ii. Answer at least 5 oral questions asked correctly.
Iii. Answer at least 5/8 comprehension qns.
i. Silent reading
ii. Students match word with meaning.
iii. Tr. gives some explanation regarding vocabulary
iv. Spelling activities

T/Aids: Handout, dictionary
Moral Values: Determination
Pedagogical Strategy:

4S2 Theme: People
Topic: Lit. Comp [ Sonnet 18 ]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
i. Saying orally what they think about the poem and write a simple paragraph stating their opinion
i. Tr. shows picture and asks students to rephrase the picture.
ii. Tr. asks meaning of some words and phrases that they had learnt.
iii. Students talk about the poem.

T/ Aids: Lit. texts, reference book
Moral Values: love ourselves as we love others
Pedagogical Strategy: Giving Opinion
Reflection: The class is slow in catching up with the lesson.

Date: 20.01.09 WEEK 4 Day: Tuesday
Theme: People
4K8 Topic: Lit. Comp. [ Sonnet 18 ]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
4K1 vi. Talk about the poem in general
Ii. Give at least 4/7 figurative meaning correctly.
Iii. Match at least 5/7 phrases correctly to its meaning.
vii. Students talk briefly about the poem.
viii. Teacher distributes handouts/writes out task on the b/b and asks the students to complete the task as homework.
ix. Tr. conclude the lesson by asking students to give moral values that they have learnt from the poem.

T/Aids: Lit. texts, handouts
Values: Appreciate beauty
Pedagogical Strategy: To analyse, to justify
Reflection: Most of the students were still unfamiliar with the texts.

Date: 21.01.09 WEEK-4 Day: Wednesday
Theme: People
4S2 Topic: Inspiring People
4K1 Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
4K8 II. Tell the meaning of at least 7-8 words correctly.
iii. Answer at least 5 oral questions asked correctly.
iv. Answer at least 5/8 comprehension qns. correctly.
v. Silent reading
vi. Students match word with meaning.
vii. Tr. gives some explanation regarding vocabulary
viii. Spelling activities

T/Aids: Handout, dictionary
Moral Values: Determination
Pedagogical Strategy:

Date: 22.01.09 WEEK – 4 Day: Thursday
Theme: People
4S2 Topic: Grammar ( Tenses )
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
4K3 i. Tell the correct usage of tenses especially in explaining process.
ii. Complete a cloze passage with appropriate tenses
i. Role play
ii. Students describe briefly their friend’s action.
iii. Tr. explain the whole idea
iv. Students complete exercise on the board.

T/Aids: Students, reference book
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Making decision

Date: 23.01.09 WEEK – 4 Day: Friday
Theme: People
4K1 Topic: Essay Writing [ Descriptive Essay ]
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
4K3 i. Write 3-4 paragraphs about a place.

i. Tr. asks oral qns.
ii. Tr. writes students’ points on the board.
iii. Students use the point to write essay.
iv. Tr. asks those students who had completed their 1st paragraph to read them aloud.
v. Students continue writing as their h/w.

T/Aids: Reference book, students’ ideas.
Moral Values: Co-operation
Pedagogical Strategy: Brainstorming, giving opinions
Reflections: Good classes were able to produce their essay as compare to weak class.