Thursday, January 28, 2010

RPH WEEK 4 2010



WEEK 4 [ 25 – 29 JAN 2010 ]





Date: 25.01.2010 Week-4 Day: Monday


Theme: People


Topic: Planning a Career



Learning Outcome:

  1. Read and understand passage
  1. Listen to and identify the main ideas
  1. Describing a career

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


  1. Ans. comprehension questions


  1. Identify the meaning of the phrases given in the text.
  1. Identify words and phrases describing a career in the text.
  1. Give meaning to the vocabulary given


  1. Tr. asks students skim through the text.
  1. Tr. asks students to read the text thoroughly.
  1. Tr. asks WH qns. orally base on the text
  1. Students underline the meaning of the phrases and words
  1. Students answered oral qns.
  1. Students share their ambitions to their friends

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students were able to identify the phrases describing the career in the text.





Date: 26.01.2010 Week-4 Day: Tuesday


Theme: People


Topic: Planning a Career



Learning Outcome:

  1. Read and understand passage
  1. Listen to and identify the main ideas
  1. Describing a career

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Ans. comprehension questions
  1. Identify the meaning of the phrases given in the text.
  1. Identify words and phrases describing a career in the text.
  1. Give meaning to the vocabulary given


  1. Tr. asks students skim through the text.
  1. Tr. asks students to read the text thoroughly.
  1. Tr. asks WH qns. orally base on the text
  1. Students underline the meaning of the phrases and words
  1. Students answered oral qns.
  1. Students share their ambitions to their friends

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students were able to identify the phrases describing the career in the text.



Theme: People


Topic: Novel [ Jungle of Hope ]


Learning Outcome:

  1. Describing setting
  1. Relating the effects of the setting

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the setting of the novel orally
  1. Write about the effects of the setting on the main characters in the novel





  1. Students read the first chapter of Part 1
  1. Students identify the elements of the setting
  1. Teacher asks questions orally about the setting of the novel.
  1. Students answered the questions asked orally.

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students have reach the end of the tunnel about the setting of the novel.





Date: 27.01.2010 Week-4 Day: Wednesday


Theme: People


Topic: Planning a Career


Learning Outcome:

  1. Read and understand passage
  1. Listen to and identify the main ideas
  1. Describing a career

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Ans. comprehension questions
  1. Identify the meaning of the phrases given in the text.
  1. Identify words and phrases describing a career in the text.
  1. Give meaning to the vocabulary given


  1. Tr. asks students skim through the text.
  1. Tr. asks students to read the text thoroughly.
  1. Tr. asks WH qns. orally base on the text
  1. Students underline the meaning of the phrases and words
  1. Students answered oral qns.
  1. Students share their ambitions to their friends

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students were able to identify the phrases describing the career in the text.


Theme: People


Topic: Planning a Career



Learning Outcome:

  1. Read and understand passage
  1. Listen to and identify the main ideas and supporting details
  1. Describing a career

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Ans. comprehension questions
  1. Identify the meaning of the phrases given in the text.
  1. Identify words and phrases describing a career in the text.
  1. Write a summary based on the points given


  1. Tr. asks students skim through the text.
  1. Tr. asks students to read the text thoroughly.
  1. Tr. asks WH qns. orally base on the text
  1. Students underline main ideas and supporting details
  1. Students answered oral qns.
  1. Students share their ambitions to their friends




Date: 28.01.2010 Week-4 Day: Thursday


Theme: People


Topic: Planning a Career



Learning Outcome:

  1. Read and understand passage
  1. Listen to and identify the main ideas and supporting details
  1. Describing a career

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:


  1. Ans. comprehension questions


  1. Identify the meaning of the phrases given in the text.
  1. Identify words and phrases describing a career in the text.
  1. Write a summary


  1. Tr. asks students skim through the text.
  1. Tr. asks students to read the text thoroughly.


  1. Tr. asks WH qns. orally base on the text


  1. Students underline main ideas and supporting details
  1. Students answered oral qns.
  1. Students share their ambitions to their friends

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students were able to identify the phrases describing the career in the text.





Date: 29.01.2010 Week-4 Day: Friday


Theme: People


Topic: Novel [ Jungle of Hope ]



Learning Outcome:

  1. Describing plot
  1. Comprehend the importance of plot in a novel

Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the plot orally
  1. Arrange sentences in sequence of the event





  1. Students match events with characters
  1. Students identify the elements of the plot
  1. Teacher asks questions orally about the plot of the novel.
  1. Students answered the questions asked orally.

Strategy: Contextual Learning


Reflections: Students have reach the end of the tunnel about the setting of the novel.